Masuk Daftar

harta lancar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "harta lancar"
  • harta:    riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place;
  • lancar:    carry all before one; easy-going; facile; fluent;
  • bukan harta lancar:    non current assets
  • harta lancar lainnya:    other current asset
  • harta lancar netto:    net current asset
  • lancar:    carry all before one; easy-going; facile; fluent; in the groove; prompt; smooth; worked; plain sailing; skillful; ease; expressive; smooth-tongued; smooth-spoken; facund; fast; glib; swimmingly; art
  • harta:    riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place; pelf; boodle; immovable; real property; loot; holding; property; wealthiness; possessions; estate; wealth; bread; sugar; possession; dough; cabbage; s
  • aktiva lancar:    circulating assets; current asset
  • aset lancar:    current asset
  • bekerja lancar:    do well; doing well
  • berjalan lancar:    done well; go well; going well; gone well; plain sailing; running well; well-oiled; work smoothly; go with a swing
  • bicaranya lancar:    smooth talking
  • dengan lancar:    at ease
  • hutang lancar:    current liabilities; short term liabilities
  • lancar tenaga:    energy fluence
  • False teeth of expensive quality.
    Rasio laba dibanding perputaran harta lancar.